It is the 101st anniversary of the day of birth of the national leader of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev in May 10, 2024

Heydar Alirza oglu Aliyev was born on 10 May 1923 in the town of Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan. In 1939, after graduating from the Nakhchivan Pedagogical School, he studied at the architectural department of the Industrial Institute of Azerbaijan (now the Azerbaijan State Oil Academy). The war impeded to complete his education. Since 1941, Heydar Aliyev was the head of the department at the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs and People's Commissariat of Soviet of Nakhchivan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and in 1944 he was sent to work in the organs of the state security. Working since then in the organs of state security, Heydar Aliyev held the post of the deputy chairman of the State Committee of Security, and since 1967 - its chairman. He was conferred the rank of lieutenant general. In these years, he received a special higher education in Leningrad (now St Petersburg), and then in 1957 he graduated from the department of history of Azerbaijan State University. Being elected as the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan in 1969, Heydar Aliyev headed the Republic. In December 1982 he was elected an alternate member of Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and appointed the first deputy chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR, thus he became one of the leaders of the USSR. During twenty years, Heydar Aliyev was a member of parliament of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and for five years deputy chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. In October 1987, Heydar Aliyev, as a protest against the policy pursued by the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and personally by the Secretary-General Michael Gorbachev, he resigned from his post. In connection with the tragedy committed on 20 January, 1990 in Baku by the soviet troops, Heydar Aliyev appeared at the Azerbaijan Representation in Moscow on the next day with a statement, demanded to punish the organizers and executors of the crime committed against the people of Azerbaijan. As a protest against the hypocritical policy of the leadership of the USSR, in connection with the critical conflict in the Mountainous Garabagh, in July, 1991, he left the ranks of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. After his return in July, 1990, to Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev lived first in Baku, then in Nakhchivan, and in the same year he was elected as a deputy to the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan. In 1991-1993 he held the post of the chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Soviet (parliament) of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In 1992, at the constituent congress of the New Azerbaijan Party in Nakhchivan, Heydar Aliyev, was elected chairman of the party. In May-June, 1993, when as the result of extreme tension in the governmental crisis, the country was on the verge of a civil war and loss of independence, the people of Azerbaijan demanded the return Heydar Aliyev to power. The then leaders of Azerbaijan were obliged to invite officially Heydar Aliyev to Baku. On 15 June, 1993, Heydar Aliyev was elected as chairman of the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan, and on 24 July - on the resolution of the parliament, he began to perform the powers of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. On October 3, 1993, Heydar Aliyev was elected President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. On October 11, 1998, having joined at the elections, held in conditions of great activity of the population, he won 76,1 per cent of the votes and was re-elected President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Giving his consent to be nominated as a candidate in the 15 October, 2003 presidential elections, he decided not to run at the elections in connection with problems in health. Heydar Aliyev was conferred on a number of international awards, the title of the honorary doctor of numerous universities, and other high honors. He was conferred on for four times with the Lenin Order, the Order of Krasnaya Zvezda and many medals, and twice Hero of the Socialist Labor, awarded by Orders and medals of many foreign states. Historical destiny of Azerbaijan, covering the period of over the last thirty years, was inseparably linked with the name of Heydar Aliyev. Revival in these years in all the spheres of socio-political, economic and cultural life is connected just with his name. During the said period, Heydar Aliyev helped his native Azerbaijan, he persistently strived for progress. He was always proud of the rich culture and great historical past of the country. He was concerned about the future generations and made Azerbaijan overcome hard and terrible ordeals of time. Being an outstanding politician and statesman, indisputable leader of the nation, he was a live legend, and therefore, Heydar Aliyev as a phenomenon always attracted the attention. Because of his political activity leader of the Azerbaijanis of world was admired by everybody his life and activity were and was widely illuminated both in the Republican and the world press. Heydar Aliyev, seeing the misfortune of his nation, accepted the invitation and returned to great politics in Azerbaijan. People welcomed his return with hope and joy, and this day went down into history of the independent Azerbaijan as the Day of National Salvation.

National leader of Azerbaijan Heydar Alirza oglu Aliyev

Heydar Alirza oglu Aliyev was born on 10 May 1923 in the town of Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan. In 1939, after graduating from the Nakhchivan Pedagogical School, he studied at the architectural department of the Industrial Institute of Azerbaijan (now the Azerbaijan State Oil Academy). The war impeded to complete his education. Since 1941, Heydar Aliyev was the head of the department at the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs and People's Commissariat of Soviet of Nakhchivan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and in 1944 he was sent to work in the organs of the state security. Working since then in the organs of state security, Heydar Aliyev held the post of the deputy chairman of the State Committee of Security, and since 1967 - its chairman. He was conferred the rank of lieutenant general. In these years, he received a special higher education in Leningrad (now St Petersburg), and then in 1957 he graduated from the department of history of Azerbaijan State University. Being elected as the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan in 1969, Heydar Aliyev headed the Republic. In December 1982 he was elected an alternate member of Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and appointed the first deputy chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR, thus he became one of the leaders of the USSR. During twenty years, Heydar Aliyev was a member of parliament of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and for five years deputy chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. In October 1987, Heydar Aliyev, as a protest against the policy pursued by the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and personally by the Secretary-General Michael Gorbachev, he resigned from his post. In connection with the tragedy committed on 20 January, 1990 in Baku by the soviet troops, Heydar Aliyev appeared at the Azerbaijan Representation in Moscow on the next day with a statement, demanded to punish the organizers and executors of the crime committed against the people of Azerbaijan. As a protest against the hypocritical policy of the leadership of the USSR, in connection with the critical conflict in the Mountainous Garabagh, in July, 1991, he left the ranks of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. After his return in July, 1990, to Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev lived first in Baku, then in Nakhchivan, and in the same year he was elected as a deputy to the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan. In 1991-1993 he held the post of the chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Soviet (parliament) of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In 1992, at the constituent congress of the New Azerbaijan Party in Nakhchivan, Heydar Aliyev, was elected chairman of the party. In May-June, 1993, when as the result of extreme tension in the governmental crisis, the country was on the verge of a civil war and loss of independence, the people of Azerbaijan demanded the return Heydar Aliyev to power. The then leaders of Azerbaijan were obliged to invite officially Heydar Aliyev to Baku. On 15 June, 1993, Heydar Aliyev was elected as chairman of the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan, and on 24 July - on the resolution of the parliament, he began to perform the powers of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. On October 3, 1993, Heydar Aliyev was elected President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. On October 11, 1998, having joined at the elections, held in conditions of great activity of the population, he won 76,1 per cent of the votes and was re-elected President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Giving his consent to be nominated as a candidate in the 15 October, 2003 presidential elections, he decided not to run at the elections in connection with problems in health. Heydar Aliyev was conferred on a number of international awards, the title of the honorary doctor of numerous universities, and other high honors. He was conferred on for four times with the Lenin Order, the Order of Krasnaya Zvezda and many medals, and twice Hero of the Socialist Labor, awarded by Orders and medals of many foreign states. Historical destiny of Azerbaijan, covering the period of over the last thirty years, was inseparably linked with the name of Heydar Aliyev. Revival in these years in all the spheres of socio-political, economic and cultural life is connected just with his name. During the said period, Heydar Aliyev helped his native Azerbaijan, he persistently strived for progress. He was always proud of the rich culture and great historical past of the country. He was concerned about the future generations and made Azerbaijan overcome hard and terrible ordeals of time. Being an outstanding politician and statesman, indisputable leader of the nation, he was a live legend, and therefore, Heydar Aliyev as a phenomenon always attracted the attention. Because of his political activity leader of the Azerbaijanis of world was admired by everybody his life and activity were and was widely illuminated both in the Republican and the world press. Heydar Aliyev, seeing the misfortune of his nation, accepted the invitation and returned to great politics in Azerbaijan. People welcomed his return with hope and joy, and this day went down into history of the independent Azerbaijan as the Day of National Salvation.

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Acting President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the republican meeting in Baku – August 24, 1993

“…The Azerbaijani statehood will be defended, the rights of the Azerbaijani people will be protected. As the chairman of the Azerbaijani parliament and Acting President, I declare that with the people around me we are able to find the way out of this situation. We shall take decisive, serious steps, try to establish stability in Baku and other regions, in towns, districts, settlements and villages, strengthen our struggle against the crime and overcome this difficult situation in Azerbaijan. You can be confident in it…”

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Meeting of the the Acting President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev with the intelligentsia in the Academy of Sciences – September 21, 1993

“…History, mankind always appreciate those, who build and create. Destroyers have either been wiped off history or accepted with their negative role. You can be sure that the Academy of Sciences, institutions will further function, and we shall encourage it. The Azerbaijani science must develop. So must the universities, higher schools, but there must be order in them. If we want to improve the moral qualities of our people, then we need high morality of our intelligentsia, who must always be an example for other layers of population. We shall help in this field; our culture, science, education, including higher education, all other social spheres will develop…”

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Inauguration ceremony of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev – Republican Palace, October 10, 1993

“…The Azerbaijani people experiences the hardest, tragic period of its history. I deeply realize the degree of my obligation in this critical moment and want you to be confident that with all my activity and life I shall try to justify the high confidence and expectations of my people…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at a refugee camp –Imishli district, December 11, 1993

“...Azerbaijan is living its hard, tragic period. Our country experiencies a severe socio-economic crisis. As a result of the aggression of the Armenian armed forces, some of our lands have been occupied, over one million people have become refugees. We need to take serious steps to get our country out of this difficult situation. Now our main task is to secure reliable protection of the country and create necessary conditions for IDPs. These are our priority tasks. In future the occupied lands must be liberated, territorial integrity of Azerbaijan be restored, we take control on all our lands, resources…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev met the French President Francois Mitterand - Elysian Palace , December 20, 1993

“…I would hope that making use of your personal authority and the authority of France, you will prevent the aggression of the Armenian armed groups against Azerbaijan and establish peace in our region. We pursue a constructive policy and hope for an efficient help on your part. You may be sure that France will gain a reliable partner in the person of Azerbaijan for many long years. We shall always be loyal to the principles of peace and securitiy, respect to human rights and principles of democracy and pluralism. While building a young independent state, we shall certainly apply the rich experience of France on statehood and democracy…”

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Meeting of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev with family members of the martyrs of the tragedy on the 20th of January and a group of persons disabled on that day – Presidential Palace, January 19, 1994

“...I want to assure you that neither of the 20th of January of tragedy nor other disasters before and later can break the will of our people. Loyal to its heroic traditions, the Azerbaijani people are able to defend the independence of Azerbaijan…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the Beijing Academy of Political Sciences – March 9, 1994

“…Azerbaijan pursues the policy of establishing friendly, equal, mutually beneficial relations with all the countries of the world, especially with the neighbors and the countries, with which cooperation may be effective. Azerbaijan attaches great importance to developing the commercial-economic, scientific-technical and cultural relations with China. Therefore, we are here now. Our visit, meetings and negotiations here convince us that both China and Azerbaijan take mutual steps based on national interests and on strengthening the world community…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the frontline , Fuzuli District, April 9, 1994

“...You defend the honour of your mothers and fathers, your country, your land. I believe that our just struggle will win. A day will come when all the Azerbaijani lands will be liberated and all our citizens return home. The position of the Armenian armed forces is in a kilometer`s distance form this place where I am speaking. I am telling you and let the Armenian occupants hear, too: we are for peace, we want to put an end to the war. We want to apply all means for this purpose, achieve ceasefire through the negotiations and end the war, but on one condition: the Armenian occupant forces must leave the Azerbaijani lands and ensure the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. We are negotiating on these conditions…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev during his pilgrimage to Mecca, July 11, 1994

“…It was very valuable for me and our delegation to visit the holy Kaaba on the first day of our visit and fulfill our sacred duty. It is a great honor for us to visit the holy city of Mecca, touch the holy Kaaba stone and pray there. I thank God that I could fulfill my intention. I also thank my dear brother, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques for his help. We are very pleased with this pilgrimage on the first day of our visit to Saudi Arabia…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the ceremony of signature of the Contract on the Joint Oil Developments in the deposits located in the Caspian shelf between the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan and the Consortium of Foreign Oil Companies, September 20, 1994

“…I am happy for taking part in the development and signature of this contract. I realize my responsibility and I hope that the future generations will duly appreciate this historical event…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the 49th session of the General Assembly of UN - New York, September 29, 1994

“…The United Nations, as well as the Security Council, which have experience in eliminating the conflicts and crises, play a leading role in the new world order. However, the Security Council still faces a lot of challenges: It must prove its effectiveness to the world community in new conditions. At present, the Security Council must be more decisive than ever in fulfilling its resolutions…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the rally of the workers in front of the Presidential Palace, Baku – October 4, 1994

“…Those who struggle for power, for their personal interests and damage the national interests in these hard times, they betray our people and state. We shall never let those traitors realize their dirty actions. Your solidarity, the solidarity of the Azerbaijani people guarantee it…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the summit of OSCE member-countries in Budapest - December 6, 1994

“..We propose peace to Armenia based on justice, humanism, principles of OSCE and resolutions of UN Security Council. We are ready to guarantee security for the Armenian population of Nagorno-Karabakh. We agree to deploy OSCE peace-keeping forces in the zone of conflict. We are also ready to discuss the status of Nagorno-Karabakh within the Republic of Azerbaijan for the realization of the rights of the Armenian national minority and ensure the normal functioning of transport communications between the Nagorno-Karabakh province of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Armenia. But we have inviolable norms and principles which include the inviolability of the frontiers, territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, withdrawal of the Armenian armed formations from all the occupied territories and return of the refugees home…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliev at the Summit of heads of the OIC, Casablanca, December 13, 1994

“…Today very complicated and contradictory processes are ongoing in the world and such positive tendencies as prevention of destructive global war and laying the foundation of world security are accompanied with the rage of regional conflicts, nationalism and other calamities of the century. Our countries are in the epicenter of these processes and we have to render feasible aid and make efforts for strengthening of international security and progress. In the name of it, we shall remove all the obstacles on the path of development of the Moslem countries, help each other, prevent disunity and isolation, make joint efforts to help our brothers to get out of the trouble and quench the fire of bloody wars and conflicts...”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the ceremony dedicated to the birthday of the prominent Azerbaijani composer Arif Melikov - Azerbaijan National Art Museum after R.Mustafayev, February 5, 1995

“…As an Azerbaijani, I have always been proud of the achievements of my people irrespective of my being here or somewhere else. Our achievements in art, culture are a source of pride for every Azerbaijani. Arif Melikov is one of the outstanding figures of the Azerbaijani culture, art, music…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the Caspian Oil and Gas `95 Exhibition and Conference – Baku Sport & Exhibition Complex, May 23, 1995

“...Our scientists, experts have discovered big oil and gas deposits in the Azerbaijani Sector of the Caspian Sea. We are ready to cooperate with the world's biggest companies on joint development of those deposits. Azerbaijan is open to and for integrating into the world economy. We are ready to cooperate with any country and company interested in our country...”.

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev after voting in the polling station 17 of 28th country of Sabail District - November 12, 1995

“…I think today it is a historical day, because for the first time in all the history of the Azerbaijani people, Azerbaijan has an opportunity to solve the questions independently, as a sovereign country, and on the basis of the said we have developed the project of the new Constitution, the Constitution of the independent, sovereign Azerbaijan. This project, in my opinion, is a document reflecting the democratic principles. We have tried to use the experience of the countries which have already passed a long road of democracy, and have their statehood and constitution. We have tried to use of all the experiences. We have carefully studied the constitutions of many countries - both of the western and CIS countries. Naturally, taking the experience, historical and national traditions, customs as a basis and expressing deep respect for the historical past, the past of the nation, today we have developed the project of the Constitution...”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the opening of the international conference on “Investments for Azerbaijan” held under the auspices of the World Bank - Paris, December 5, 1995

“…And I would like you to know about it: our country is open. We pursue the way of economic reforms. We create all conditions free entrepreneurship, for using all possibilities by citizens of our republic and to have their own property and establish economic relations with foreign companies, firms and persons. All of this makes us think that we need a strong financial support and we must use foreign investments…”

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Meeting of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev with children of children homes and boarding schools on the occasion of the New Year – Shahriyar Cultural Center, December 31, 1995

“…Looking at you today, I see Azerbaijan of ten, fifteen, twenty years later. What a bright future we shall have! What happy days await us! We have such talented children as you, who will ensure bright future of Azerbaijan…”

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Meeting of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev with a group of Khojaly residents in connection with the fourth anniversary of the genocide commited in Khojaly - Presidential Palace, February 24, 1996

“…A book or a film on the Khojaly genocide is not enough. Just after the tragedy, it was informed to the world community. But we must do it all the time. It can not be forgotten. The world community must be informed about the brutality of the Armenians and about their crimes against the Azerbaijani people. We must do it. I recommend it in general. But I suppose that there will be concrete actions and a sustainable campaign. We must inform the world community about the crimes committed against the Azerbaijani people, the innocent, helpless Khojaly people…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the Novruz festivities for the children of martyrs and for the orphans - Gulustan Palace, March 20, 1996

“...Many of you have lost your parents. Fathers of most of you have sacrificed their lives as heroes defending our country. But they live as heroes in your hearts and ours, also in the hearts of the Azerbaijani people. They are always with us. They are here, glad to see you happy. Thus, you should not think that you have lost your parents. You have your parents. Your parent is the indepdent Azerbaijan, the Azerbaijani President. You can be sure of it...”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the ceremony of the signature of the agreement on partnership and cooperation between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the European Union - Luxembourg, April 22, 1996

“...The agreement signed today on partnership and cooperation between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the European Union is a historic event of a great importance for the young, independent Azerbaijan state..”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev on a platform of the oil deposit near Stavanger, April 26, 1996

“…Today I have visited an oil deposit located at 240 km far from Stavanger, one of the greatest achievements of Norway. The present miracle created there amazed me. It is impossible to surprise me with platforms in the sea because we are engaged in it for a long time, I witnessed all these. I have been on off-shore platforms of other countries of the world, in the American continent – in the Gulf of Mexico and in other places. But your off-shore platforms use skillfully the achievements of technology, electronics of the highest level. I admired them…”

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Meeting of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev with a group of people from Shusha and Lachin – Presidential Palace, May 6, 1996

“...Lachin District is of great strategic importance in terms of protecting independence and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. It is not accidental that the Armenians wanted to capture first Lachin and Shusha in the May of 1992 in order to occupy other territories of Azerbaijan. It is natural. Those who know the geography realize it. Armenia always wanted to annex Nagorno-Karabakh. Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh are linked with each other through the Lachin corridor. The existence of Lachin meant the absence of communications between Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh.They wanted to obtain direct communications and they achieved it in 1992…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the IV Summit of the Organization of Economic Cooperation - Ashgabat, May 14, 1996

“…History teaches us that not any state can achieve economic progress alone without international cooperation, exchange of experiences and consolidation of efforts and resources. Therefore, one of the basic tenets of our foreign policy is to participate actively in ECO, to have close cooperation with one another, rely upon our historical roots, traditions and common culture…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev in the ceremony of signature of the contract on joint developments of Shahdeniz deposit in the Azerbaijani Sector of the Caspian Sea – June 4, 1996

“…Shahdeniz is one of the rich deposits discovered by the Azerbaijani geologists. Our geologists were aware of it decades ago, it was discovered in the 80s. Finally, at present we are making a step for the practical development of this deposit…”

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Speech of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the meeting of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev with the refugees temporarily accommodated in the dormitory of the College of Communications - September 16, 1996

“…We know that you have lost your homes, all your property, relatives. Many people have become disabled and injured. But despite all this, you want peace; you want to return to your lands peacefully. I know that your homes, schools, hospitals, in general, all you had there have been destroyed. But you want to return to your homeland and live there, we also want this. Therefore, we share the same views, and I expressed these thoughts to my friend Nursultan Nazarbayev. And today he also expressed his views and his position. The words he mentioned are very valuable. He said that not any nation, not any country can ever agree to cede at least an inch of its land, and he reiterated that all the issues should be resolved peacefully within the territorial integrity of each country, inviolability of borders. All these are valuable words, and we also hold the same opinion. Our views are tantamount and on the basis of these views I'm sure that we shall achieve the liberation of the occupied lands, and you will return to your native lands. The territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, the inviolability of borders will be maintained, the state independence and sovereignty of Azerbaijan will be ensured…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the summit of Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization - Moscow, October 25, 1996

“…It is well known that a great importance is attached to the Caucasus for the realization of programs of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation. Meanwhile the Caucasus suffers greatly from military conflicts. All countries, all peoples of the Caucasus suffer. Therefore, liquidation of the military conflicts on the Caucasus is very important provision for the successful economic cooperation in the Black Sea basin…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the opening of the shrine of Huseyn Javid, prominent Azerbaijani poet, writer and playwright – Nakhchivan, October 29, 1996

“…Huseyn Javid’s shrine is a new page in the history of architecture of Nakhchivan. We have great cultural monuments in Nakhchivan. This shrine is the continuation of those traditions. I hope that this shrine will live tall for centuries just like the shrine of Momina Khatun. I suppose that future generations will remember this day and not forget those who created this monument…”

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Speech of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the VIII meeting of TURKSOY International Organization held in Baku - The National Theatre of Song named after Rashid Behbudov, November 6, 1996

“…One of the important problems for raising the level of our culture, science, education and morals of the people is the development of cultural, scientific-technical relations. TURKSOY carries out this work and the experience, gained for within a short term - three years - proves that this organization can conduct effective work and even great work for our countries, peoples henceforth. It consists of establishing close relations among our peoples. For our people the expansion of these relations by means of culture, literature is very necessary and important…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev the at the Lisbon Summit of OSCE - Lisbon, December 2, 1996

“…We are convinced that the way of the political and economic integration of Azerbaijan into the world community of the independent, democratic states responds to the fundamental interests of the Azerbaijani people. We count on the support of OSCE, other international organizations and democratic institutions in our strategic course…”

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Meeting of President of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev with President of France Jacque Chirac - Paris, Elysian Palace, January 13, 1997

“…I want to express my satisfaction with the particular attention which France renders to the relations with our country, and I am sure that France along with other states, will enlarge its activity more as an active member of the Minsk Group and activate the efforts for the speedy settlement of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at Novruz festivities – in front of the Gosha Gala Gates, Baku, March 21, 1997

“…Nowadays our people realize more deeply the historic significance and value of our independence and freedom. Therefore, this holiday is now a symbol of the national independence and freedom of Azerbaijan. This holiday is a symbol of freedom and independence of our country, the symbol of peace, political stability, a symbol of building a legal, democratic, civilized nation, a symbol of human freedom. This holiday is also a symbol of the high respect and concern for human rights in our country. Novruz holiday, which is held this year, demonstrates that the national independence of Azerbaijan is an irreversible factor and this independence is strengthening and developing every day…”

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Meeting of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev with the members of the Editorial Board of “The New-York Times", residence of UNO, July 28, 1997

“…Azerbaijan which has chosen the way of free economic relations , improvement of democratic development and established a legitimate democratic country, attaches great importance to strengthening relations with the world community, do much to enlarge this cooperation. We opened the doors of our republic to all business people and now the companies of the most of these countries have already started their business in our country. We signed agreements with the huge oil companies of some countries on joint oil developments in the deposits in the Azerbaijani Sector of the Caspian Sea and then gained success in establishing fruitful relations with our country located in the advantageous strategic zone. ”

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Meeting of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev with the USA President Bill Clinton during his first official visit to the USA - August 1, 1997

“…Azerbaijan regards the USA as a close friend and a partner. I think that it is important to mention that the socio-political stiation in our country is stable, reforms in economy on market principles are being carried out and important measures in the field of development of democracy and protection of human rights are being realized…”

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Ceremony of signature of oil contracts with the participation of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev and the US vice-President Albert Gore – White House, Washington DC, August 1, 1997

“…Today here in the White House, Washington DC, I declare with pride that the Azerbaijani oil workers discovered and started to exploit the first oil deposits in the Caspian Sea fifty years ago. At the end of the twentieth century Azerbaijan introduces its rich oil reserves of the Caspian to the world. I am very pleased with the active involvement of the American companies in our operations. We attract foreign investments to Azerbaijan, integrate our economy into the world economy and build strong economic ties with the United States, it promises a bright future to the Azerbaijani people…”

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The meeting of the President of the Republic Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev with the Prime Minister of Israel Benamin Netanahu during his short visit to Baku. August 29,1997

“…I am pleased to hear your statement that you are ready to assist your country in the solution of the problems facing Azerbaijan and your proposals for the further development of the Azerbaijani-Israili relations, and I say that the revival of relations between our countries are very useful for the both countries…”

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Meeting of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the meeting with Pope John Paul II - Vatican, "Palace of Castel Gandolfo," September 26, 1997

“…I declare that the first democratic Constitution of the newly independent Azerbaijan, which chosen the path of the market economy and a democratic country, gave broad rights to the citizens in our country and ensured freedom of speech and conscience. I emphasize that various religious communities freely coexist in our country. Human rights are protected in Azerbaijan, the process of building a democratic society is implemented into life with great success and a wide space is given to pluralism and freedom of press. I emphasize it once more that Azerbaijan has achieved great successes in building a democratic country, in the implementation of reforms, and much has been done to strengthen the relations with the world community. Our country is doing everything necessary to make the independence of Azerbaijan eternal and irreversible…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the ceremony on the launching the Chirag-1 platform, extracting oil - Chirag-1 platform, November 12, 1997

“...We have laid the foundation of a great work. Undoubtedly, more such platforms will be created on the Caspian Sea as a result of operation of the consortium made of the companies involved in the Contract of the Century, of implementation of other agreements. The Caspian oil and gas reserves will greatly contribute to the world economy…”

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Meeting of the President of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev with the leader of Palestine Yasser Arafat. Tehran, December 8, 1997

“...I drew his attention to such a fact that Azerbaijan is a friend of Palestine. The Independent Republic of Azerbaijan has always supported the heroic struggle of the Palestinian people and will support it in the future... “

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the VIII Summit of OIC states - 11 December, 1997

“…The Moslem peoples and countries face complicated processes currenting in the world. On the one hand, science and technology are steadily developing. New discoveries and high technology change the face of the planet. On the other hand, many people suffer from hunger, poverty and illiteracy. Therefore, we are to keep pace with the progress and reach the level of the developed countries. Azerbaijan has considerably developed its political, economic, trade and cultural relations with the Moslem countries within the recent years. Our cooperation within the Organization of the Islamic Conference and other international organizations has been very fruitful and useful…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev in the ceremony of awarding him with the title of “The man of the year in the world” for 1997 held by “Nargiz TV” of Turkey - Istanbul, international conference and exhibition hall named after Lutfi Kirdar, February 13,1998

“...It’s a great honor for me that NTV channel of Turkey declared me ” the man of the year ” for 1997 and I declare that it was unexpected for me. I did not know that NTV channel holds the survey and my name also was included into the list. When I got this information I was surprised and it made me happy at the same time. I express my gratitude for the respect, care, attention and confidence of the Turkish people and the audience of NTV channel. The audience of the TV, 59400 persons who live in an absolutely free and independent conditions displayed their will and chose me “The man of the year in the World”. This is an extraordinary event in my life. I have got many awards in my life, but I have never seen the one like this. I express my gratitude, love and respect to each citizen of the Turkish Republic who have voted for me. I wish each citizen of the country happiness, good fortune and successes! You can believe that I highly appreciate this event and declare it as a great care and support to my political activity...”

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From the conversation of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the tete-a-tete meeting with His Majesty Emperor of Japan Akihito - the Imperial Palace, February 25, 1998

“…Our country has done a lot in building a legal, democratic, secular state and in conduction of reforms. The independent Republic of Azerbaijan is very interested in the continuous development and in further strengthening the relations with Japan…”

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From the Speech of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the ceremony dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Azerbaijani Democratic Republic, Republican Palace, May 28, 1998

“…With the establishment of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan in 1918 our restored statehood once lost. At the same time, it was the first independent state based on democratic principles in our history. The establishment of the Azerbaijani Democratic Republic, adoption of the “Declaration of Independence” required a great will, wisdom, far-sightedness and courage. Our prominent politicians made a very important step then…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Supreme- Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces Heydar Aliyev in the solemn jubilee ceremony dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the National Army of the Azerbaijan. June 26, 1998

“…In recent 80 years the Azerbaijani people have passed a complicated, contradictory and at the same time an honorable way in the filed of army-building. The stages of these 80 years and each year of them has its own importance. It is our 80-year history. Having passed these 80-years our present army, the armed forces of independent Azerbaijan has reached of the regular army level…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the opening ceremony of the Bibiheybat Mosque complex – July 12, 1998

“…This mosque with its own meaning and purpose is a magnificent, valuable and beautiful monument of our people. Thus, It enriches the history of the Azerbaijani culture and architecture. It has a great meaning. This is a sanctuary, a holy place, and a beautiful architectural monument. I hope that the future generations will estimate our historical deed, maintain this mosque and never let this sanctuary have troubles as it had in the past…”

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Meeting of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev with the Prime the Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Tony Blair - London, 21 July, 1998

“…I declare that I am highly satisfied with the positive appreciation of the government of Great Britain of the progress achieved within the last years in Azerbaijan, which has chosen the road of democratic development and market relations, construction of a legal, democratic and secular state and the conduction of reforms. I declare that the first democratic Constitution was adopted in our republic in 1995. The parliament representing by all the political parties was formed. At the same time, serious steps were taken in the area of economic reforms in our country and I must declare that our country attaches great importance to the integration of its economy into the world economy…”

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From the talk of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev with the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Elizabeth II - London, Buckingham Palace, July 21, 1998

“…There were close contacts between the United Kingdom and Azerbaijan at the beginning of the last century. We are happy that our independent republic is an ally of such an authoritative state as Great Britain and has found a close friend in its person. Good contacts have been established between Azerbaijan and Great Britain within the framework of international organizations. We are confident that England will make more efforts to support the just work of our country…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliev at the ceremony devoted to the operation of “Istiglal” Drilling Rig - September 2, 1998

“...Today we are looking at this floating semi-submerssibe "Istiglal" drilling rig, at this huge installation, at its switch board, we got acquainted with it closely. We were given a comprehensive information. I was one of the initiators of the construction of such drilling rigs in the past, and I know well the details of such drilling rigs, therefore, when I look at "Istiglal" today I feel a great sense of pride. Because, it will do great things for the development of oil and gas deposits in the Azerbaijani Sector of the Caspian Sea, and it has all facilities and technology and residential conditions for the workers to live, all the said meets the requirements of the day and are able to perform great variety of activities…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyevat the International Conference on the Restoration of the Historic Silk Road Held in Baku. September 8-9, 1998

“...The preparations and successful conclusion of the conference became possible as the result of our joint efforts. But at the same time I think that it is more necessary to stress the great work carried out by the European Commission and make the participants of the conference know it. Five years ago, In May 1993, on the initiative of the commission of the European Union, the representatives of the eight states of the Caucasus and Central Asia met in Brussels and started the cooperation on the development of the transport and all kinds of communication to connect Europe, Caucasus and Asia. Five years have passed since. Today we are witnessing that the foundation laid there have been valuable and reliable and turned into a big international organization. At this conference we heard the speeches of all the participants of the conference who touched upon the importance, significance and great future of the activities which we have done…”

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The inauguration ceremony of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev - October18, 1998

“…I declare as the re-elected President by people, that we appreciate the present situation objectively, correctly and fairly in Azerbaijan. We see the achievements, but at the same time we see the shortcomings, mistakes and deficiencies as well. Therefore, as President of Azerbaijan, in my activity I shall try to achieve the development of positive tendencies and eliminate the existing problems. I think that we shall achieve it. For the last five years, Azerbaijan has proved and demonstrated to the world that we have built a democratic, legal and civil state, and Azerbaijan is following the course of democracy. Today I declare again that it is our strategic course and we shall pursue it consistently. We shall never divert from the chosen road…”

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Meeting of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev with Henry Kissinger, the former USA Secretary of State - January 8, 1999

“…You are known not only in Azerbaijan, but in the whole world, because at the seventies you occupied a high post in USA, and at the same time you are a well-known politician. I am glad that you are still on the political scene. This is my first recollections. Particularly, during the disarmament negotiations between the USA and the Soviet Union your name regularly appeared in the Soviet press and media, you were a participant of the political processes and initiator of some affairs. You have done a lot in politics and created great works. Your works, especially those that were written on politics, have made you more popular in the world…”

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Heydar Aliyev, President of the Republic of ‎Azerbaijan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, at the ceremony of ‎decoration of the parents, family members of the soldiers, deceased National Heroes ‎and distinguished people, who have participated in the defense of Khojaly from the ‎enemy, with medals of the Golden Star and the order of the Banner of Azerbaijan - February ‎‎26, 1999‎

“…This tragedy is the hardest blow delivered to Azerbaijan in the course of the Armenian-Azerbaijani war. Khojaly faced this tragedy steadfastly and with fortitude. Those who were defending their home and family herocally were killed and became martyrs. As result of the fire opened by the brutal Armenians, the territory of Khojaly became stained with blood…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the ceremony held on the occasion of operation of Baku-Supsa oil pipe-line, Supsa, April 17, 1999

“…Baku-Batumi oil pipeline, the first one in Europe, was laid at the beginning of this century. Now, at the turn of XX-XXI centuries, we have constructed Baku-Supsa oil pipeline and it will forward the Azerbaijani oil to the world market. Owing to the joint efforts of the State Oil companies of Azerbaijan and Georgia, as well as foreign oil companies – members of Azerbaijan International Operation Company it has become possible. This is a logical consequence of our efforts made in 1995-1997…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the NATO Summit devoted to the 50th anniversary of the organization– Washington, April 26, 1999

“…We attach great importance to the cooperation with NATO in the frames of `Partnership for Peace` program on our part and we shall do our best in future to deepen the relations of Azerbaijan with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. We welcome the new concept of strategy of NATO proposed at the Washington Summit…”

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The ceremony of presentation of International Ataturk Peace Prize to President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev - Ankara, November 1, 1999

“...I have received prizes and awards of many countries. But it is great honor for me to be presented a Turkish peace award named after the founder of the Turkish Republic, great leader Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. I consider it to be the highest of all prizes and awards ever presented to me…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the Istanbul Summit of OSCE - November 18, 1999

“…The threat for the sovereignty, territorial integrity and security of OSCE - member states has become a severe reality, bringing troubles and sufferings to millions of people. I have to draw the attention of the international community once more to the intolerable situation when already over than six years one fifth of the territory of the sovereign Azerbaijan is under the occupation of the Armenian armed forces, and over one million Azerbaijanis have been expelled from their homes as a result of the “ethnic cleansing policy…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the ceremony of signature of documents on the transportation of crude oil through the territories of Azerbaijan - Georgia - Turkey by the Baku - Tbilisi - Ceyhan main export pipeline. November, 18, 1999

“…Today I feel pride, because an important oil contract called "the Contract of the Century" was signed in Baku five years ago in the September of 1994. Azerbaijan, the United States of America, the European countries, Turkey and Russia take part in the Consortium on the joint oil and gas developments in the Caspian Sea. Five years after the signature of this contract we have signed documents on laying the Baku - Tbilisi - Ceyhan oil pipeline in conformity with this contract…”

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Meeting of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev with the German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder – Chiragan Palace, Istanbul, November 19, 1999

“…Azerbaijan pays a special attention to the expansion of relations with Germany in all the spheres. I am presenting the German Chancellor the decree and the letter on returning to Germany the paintings of the Bremen gallery brought to Azerbaijan in 1947. Let me remind you that one officer trying to sell them in Baku after the World War II was arrested by the law enforcement bodies of Azerbaijan…”

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The meeting of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev with the great musician Mstislav Rostropovich - Presidential Palace, November 22, 1999

“…You are our compatriot and many things tie you with Azerbaijan. But there was a long break in our relations. Therefore, many people began to forget about it. You have entered a new period in the relations with your native land, since I invited you here to celebrate your anniversary. I am very glad that this period has produced positive results and everything which has been planned, has been positively implemented into life. This is very nice…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the VI Summit of the Turkic speaking countries – Gulustan Palace, Baku April 8, 2000

“…The VI Baku Summit proves ones more that the multilateral cooperation among our peoples and countries have produced brilliant results on the way of restoration of our common culture, traditions, history and national-moral values, as well as opened wide perspectives for the future. From this viewpoint, I think that the establishment of TURKSOY organization aimed at the study of national-cultural heritage of our peoples and relations is a very important. Our summits laid the foundation of another noble tradition. This is the common celebration of remarkable anniversaries of our distinguished personalities, leaders of our national culture, national eposes which are the pearls of the world culture, as well as distinguished and historical events in the life of our peoples…”

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Conversation of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev with the distinguished scholar, professor Ihsan Dogramachi at the metting with the creative collective of the theatre after watching the ballet “The Maiden Tower” composed by Afrasiab Badalbeyli – National Opera and Ballet Theatre of Azerbaijan, April 26, 2000

“… Our theatre and art must live and prove that the nation of Azerbaijan has an ancient culture. Our people have olways benefitted from the world art, universal human values and will do it hence …”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev while presenting the membership card of the New Azerbaijan Party to Ilham Aliyev - May 6, 2000

“...Ilham Aliyev is a young Azerbaijani citizen, involved in politics and public administration. He has a good education and knowledge. Last five-six years, he has been working here in Azerbaijan. He possesses a good work experience. He used to teach at the Institute of the International Relations, which is not an easy job. He was only 23 when he got his PhD degree at the Institute which trains diplomats. When he was dismissed from the Institute because of me, he was engaged in business and gained necessary experience. He has good knowledge in economy as well. While working the first vice-president of the State Oil Company over the past years, he has been an active partaker and one of the decisive figures in the new oil policy of Azerbaijan. He leads foreign economic relations. It means that he has accumulated great experience in elaborating and implementing contracts in the delivery of the Azerbaijani oil to the world markets and integration processes…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the opening of Yenikend Hydroelectric Station - May 23, 2000

“…Today I am here with a great sense of pride and pleasure. I see the fruits of the seed sawn by me in 1970-s. I did not wait passively to see when the seeds would grow, sproute. I watered them, cherished, made a lot, and could get a construction of such a huge hydroelectric station here. Whom all these are meant for? For our nation,the Azerbaijani people, for the independent Azerbaijan. Just with these steps, with these deeds we are strengthening, developing the independence of Azerbaijan every day, making it irreversible…”

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Meeting of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev with the residents of Ganja - May 24, 2000

“...Each of my visit to Ganja pleased and inspired me, and I always found in Ganja a good mood and warm hospitality. It is not the first time that I visit Ganja. I visited Ganja in the 80s, 60s and in particular, after 1969 when I headed Azerbaijan. Ganja is a city I love, as well as for you, because it is a major cultural center demonstrating to the world the ancient history of the Azerbaijani culture…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev when receiving the participants of the 44th session of the Political Commission of the World Customs Organization held in Baku - Presidential Palace, December 5, 2000

“...Customs is an important body for each country. For improving economic and trade relations among the nations, customs bodies must be in close contact with each other, exchange experience and consulting. Therefore, I think that the activities of the World Customs Organization are very important. I believe that the 44th session of the Political Commission held in Baku, Azerbaijan, will contribute to fulfill the tasks of customs bodies and functions of the World Customs Organization…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan at the celebrations held under the slogan “Children wish and demand novelty” organized on the occasion of the International Children`s Day of Broadcasting – Teletheatre, December 10, 2000

“...I am very pleased that I signed the documents on the admission of Azerbaijan to UNICEF and on the acceptance of the terms and conditions at the UN, New York in 1994. Of course, I thought that it was important for our country and children, and the opportunities it would provide for the growth and development of the Azerbaijani children...”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the ceremony devoted to the admission of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Council of Europe - January 25, 2001, Strasbourg

“…We appreciate the admission of our country to the Council of Europe not only as a result of the great and joint work, but we as a hand extended to a friendly hand to Azerbaijan and to its people. Therefore, we believe that a lot of our problems will be solved in the united European family…”

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Meeting of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev with our compatriots studying in France- Paris, March 3, 2001

“...There is great need for the new specialists in our country. I always say and have declared in the assembly of youth that today the young generation must improve. Because we establish a new state, system and economy. Today the persons who work much and have a great role in these, of course, are valuable for us. But the generations must follow each other. The youth must improve rapidly in order to take necessary positions in Azerbaijan and worthily represent us…”

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Meeting of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev with the US President George Bush – the White House, Washington DC, 9 April 2001

“...First, we exchanged views on the issues regarding the Azerbaijani-US bilateral relations. We reconfirmed that our relations are based on strategic partnership, and our cooperation will continue this way. We discussed the development of the energy resources of the Caspian and also touched upon the unfair Section 907 of Congress which obstacles the US aid to Azerbaijan which is provided to all the former Soviet republics which are now independent. We had a wide exchange of views on the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh, which is our main problem. As a co-chair of the Minsk Group of OSCE, the United States is responsible for the peaceful settlement of the conflict…”

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Meeting of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev with the Patriarch of Moscow and all the Russia Alexy II – Presidential Palace, May 28, 2001

“...The Russians, and the Orthodox people in general have been enjoying equal rights in Azerbaijan. It was so in the past, even during the Soviet period, when religions existed although they were banned. Otherwise, the temples you see now would have not been erected. These words can be said about the mosques, too. There was a ban on religions, which were oppressed throughout centuries. It can be attributed to the history of any religion. However, religions have always led the way out and managed to survive…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the ceremony dedicated to the first graduation from the Higher Military School of Azerbaijan - August 26, 2001

“…Establishing a higher school in Azerbaijan was a hard job, even though we had officers trained in the military schools of the Soviet Union. The military school after Nakhichevansky was established in the 1970s. So that there was a ground for training military officers. But we needed to have a higher school for the national armed forces, too. We started implementing this job into life. Now we see its results…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the ceremony in Secondary School 6 on the occasion of the the new academic year – Baku, September 1, 2001

“...The education system in Azerbaijan is under the care of the state. It means that schools, educational institutions, universities, except few ones, belong to the state. The government’s main task is to finance education, establish state-of-the-art facilities for the high level education, for improving conditions in schools. You should know that our education system has the biggest share in the budget. It is not surprising. Other spheres may lack funds, but not education. Lack of finance in education will harm our future…”

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From the talk of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev to the participants of the First Partnership Forum of Women of GUUAM Countries held in Baku - September 20, 2001

“... As you know, we are proud that within a short period our nation has passed the way of great civilization, the woman is free and she is an activle participant of in the social-political life, closely participiates in state affairs, is occupied in scientific researches, works in the sphere of wealth and art…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the I Congress of the World Azerbaijanis - Baku, 10 November, 2001

“...A human being, wherever he lives, should keep his national identity. At the same time, the assimilation process is going on in the world. People - I mean the Azerbaijanis - should, I repeat once more, having adapted to the conditions of a country where they live, take a high position there. Along with it, they should always stick to their national-spiritual values, national roots. Just these factors unite all of us. Azerbaijanity, the idea of azerbaijanity unites all of us. After Azerbaijan gained its independence, the Azerbaijanity, as a leading idea, has become a primary idea for the Azerbaijanis living both in Azerbaijan and abroad. We should unite around this idea. The Azerbaijanity means maintenance of national identity, maintenance of the national-spiritual values, and at the same time, their enrichment with synthesis, integration into the values common to all mankind, as well as ensure the development of each personality…”

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At the opening of the Olympic Center at Mashtaga, Baku. December 29,2001.

“...The independent Republic of Azerbaijan closely cares for the sports and at the same time it has become very necessary both for our youth and society. I hope that this event will be a good basis not only for the future, but also for the physical and intellectual life , healthy living of the young generation and we all must improve this sphere in future. Be sure that Azerbaijan and all the organs of power will closely care for the sports. I believe that the National Olympic Committee of Azerbaijan will be inspired from its successes and work hard…”

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Meeting of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev and the Russian President Viladimir Putin with ‎the representatives of mass media - January 25, 2002‎

“...I think that our meeting today will take a very important place in the history of the Russian-Azerbaijani relations. But its foundation was laid last year when the Russian President, dear Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, paid an official visit to Azerbaijan. This visit, I will speak openly, is of historical importance for us. I think it is also of great importance for Russia, it is of an exceptional significance for the Russian-Azerbaijani relations. As a matter of fact, it has laid the foundations of a new stage for the mutual relations, for a new stage for cooperation between Russia and Azerbaijan. In the past period, we have managed to intensify our relations, and these relations have led to the present meeting and to the signature of those important documents signed today…”

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Speech of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev while meeting “Azerrail” volleyball team - March 14, 2002

“…I am sure that your final game was watched in every Azerbaijani home. There were a lot of fans in the sports complex, as well. This demonstrates the rapid development of our sports. The achievements in sports, along with the achievements in other fields are of great importance, because sports are very useful for the health and physical and mental grow of younger generation. Sports are of great importance for the health of our people. Sports are a culture, too. This may show the level of culture of any nation. While developing our sports we develop our culture …”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the presentation of the prize "Friend of journalists" to the Azerbaijani President by "Ruh" Committee of the Protection of the Rights of the Journalists - Hotel "Hyatt Regency Nakhchivan", March 22, 2003

“…Therefore I want to have friendly relations with the journalists all the time. You know that I have always loved the journalists. Once I told that in the past I maintained closer relations with the journalists in the Soviet time in comparison with other leaders of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. My attitude has always been warm to the press. This is in my character. I was always interested in the press, read newspapers and magazines, always was attentive concerned to radio and to TV information. Therefore journalism was very closer to me…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the summit of the pre-Caspian countries - Ashgabat, April 24, 2002

“...The lack of legal status must not prevent the littoral states from continuing the implementation of their sovereign rights over the Caspian Sea, and it can not be the reason to stop the development of the natural resources of the Caspian Sea in the sectors defined before. The legal status of the Caspian Sea among the littoral states must be determined peacefully and through negotiations, in the spirit of respect to the sovereign rights and mutually beneficial partnership. Any pressure among the littoral states by using force or any forms and methods of threat is unacceptable...”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Sports Complex in Nakhcivan, June 15,2002

“...It is not simple to construct and use an Olympic Complex in Nakhcivan. When I lived in Nakhcivan, I didn’t even imagine that our life will improve, peace will be ensured and our economy will develop. Then I even didn’t know that there existed such Olympic Committees and it will start to activate, construct such complexes for the Azerbaijani youth. This is an important event. I sincerly congratulate you on this occasion. I think that a few months later, you will be able to appreciate the benefits of the Nakhchivan Olympic Complex better. It is a great present to you and Nakhchivan. The author of this present is the National Olympic Committee of Azerbaijan. There are no merits of the government or the state. We did not interfere in this issue and did not spend any money. I speak on behalf of the state. The complex is founded only on the initiative of the National Olympic Committee of Azerbaijan and its President, Ilham Aliyev…”

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Speech of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the opening of the conference “the Legend of the three seas". Istanbul, June 25, 2002

“…Thus, the legend of the three seas is really a great legend. We are the participants of the creation of this legend and have turned it into a reality. It is not a legend any more, but a reality. Reality is that oil and gas is produced in the Caspian Sea. Reality is that the oil pipelines of Baku-Novorossiysk and Baku-Supsa function. Reality is that the construction of the Baku-Tbilisi- Ceyhan main export oil pipeline has begun. Reality is that the construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas pipeline has begun. All this have been put into practice. It is a reality…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the Yalta Summit of GUUAM –July 20, 2002

“…Our states, which have passed a difficult road of independence for ten years, steadily follow the way of the construction of democratic societies based on the principles of the command of law, political pluralism and market economy. In this context we think that the cooperation within the GUUAM strengthen the sovereignty and independence of our states, provide their steady development and growth of the well-being of our people, integration into the world system…”

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Aquintance of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev Dam with the Vaykhir Water Dam - Nakhcivan, August 12,2002

“...As the years pass we forget most of the workes done before. Sometimes the youth think that it was like this without any labour. But the truth is that a lot of works were in the last 30 years and got the best results, all the spheres were developed in Azerbaijan, the economy and life conditions were improved, Azerbaijan has wholly changed. There is no difference, there results were achieved during the Soviet authority or at the next period- all the results belong to Azerbaijan, i.e to us and our nation…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev awarding the Order of Istiglal (Independence) to the famous singer and composer M. Magomayev – September 6, 2002

“…Both Muslim and I are lucky that I started caring for Muslim after coming to power in Azerbaijan in 1969. Such a talented singer does not actually need any care, but it was necessary in the period and conditions we lived. I was doing it for the promotion of the prominent Azerbaijani musician, singer, composer; in his turn he enriched our culture and promoted our country. Then, it was my duty to do what I could for this talented person…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the ceremony held on the occasion of laying the foundation of the main export pipeline Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan, Sangachal Terminal - September 18, 2002

“…Thus the number of the pipelines is increasing. All of them, of course, are of considerable economic importance. But the work that we are doing now (Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan) has not only economic, but also political importance. This project and its implementation can be a guarantee of peace, order and security in the Caucasian region. This pipeline, these steel pipes will unite Turkey, Georgia and Azerbaijan more closely…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Heydar Aliyev at the presentation ceremony of honorary doctor diploma of Moscow State Institute of International Relations - Moscow, September 24, 2002

“…I thank everyone who is related to honorary doctor title awarded to me. I appreciate it a lot. I hold various titles, including honorary doctor of a number of foreign universities, but this award of such a reputable, respected and famous university has a special significance for me. Therefore, I would like to express my gratitude and assure you that I shall do my best to deserve your trust…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the republican conference, dedicated to the presentation of "the State Program on Poverty Reduction and Economic Development" –Republican Palace, October 25, 2002

“…If we were trying to develop the economy of Azerbaijan from scratches, in decline of 1994-1995, today, you know, we stand on a solid basis. This basis is the independence of Azerbaijan, freedom, building of free, democratic, secular and legal state in Azerbaijan, Constitution of Azerbaijan. I reiterate that Azerbaijan has a strong economy. We stand on this strong basis and we shall go ahead from here. And one of our main duties on this way is the reduction of poverty…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the international conference on the topic "East-West Energy Corridor is a Reality" - Washington, February 25, 2003

“…I want to declare that oil and gas reserves in the Caspian Sea are extremely huge. On tentative estimations only in the Azerbaijani Sector there are 4 billion tons of oil and 5 billion cubic meter of gas. From the first contract we expect to get 740-750 thousand tons of oil which will be exported by the pipeline of Baku - Ceyhan. But there are many other deposits having prospects in the Azerbaijan sector. Therefore, you see, the total volume is great - 4 billion tons of oil and 5 billion cubic meter of gas. And it is only in the Azerbaijani Sector. Thus, it is a field which can be used for 50-100 years. Therefore, it will bring very big benefit and advantage for Azerbaijan, for developing its economy, improving the well-being of our people and for the western countries cooperating with us and their companies…”

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the opening of the Chief Baku Procathedral - March 24, 2003

“…Different nationalities lived and different religions co-existed in Azerbaijan since the ancient times. The Azerbaijani people were notable for their tolerance. I am glad that everybody noted it here and it is a reality. There have not been no conflicts or clashes of religious nature in Azerbaijan. Nothing negative happened even at the end of the 80th and the early 90th of the past century. Today, we have also have created all conditions for the freedom of each man, including freedom of religion and conscience. Everybody practices his own religion. But it does not impede the people to live in the environment of mutual understanding and kindness, and there is no discrimination based on nationality and religion …”